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creative brief


The Creative Brief

What is it?
The creative brief is an information-gathering tool. We use your answers to better understand your company, your product or service, and your customers.

Why do we need it?
The answers you provide us will allow us to effectively align the design intent of your publication or product with those of your clientele. Please be as concise and as direct as possible when responding.

Creative Brief Questions

Project Summary

  1. What is the basic overview of the project? Briefly include background information if relevant.
  2. What is the major goal?
  3. Are there any secondary goals?
  4. What are the long-term goals?

Audience Profile (Target audience—typical user profile. Profile more than one if applicable.)

  1. Who is your product or service aimed at?
      age range
      primary ethnic group(s)
      any other relevant information

  2. What do they care about?
  3. How do you want them to respond?
  4. What do they currently think and feel about the company, product or service?
  5. What do we want them to think, feel or do?
  6. How will this publication help to achieve this goal?
  7. What adjectives can be used to describe the way the publication and company should be perceived?
  8. What are some specific visual goals the publication should convey?

Competitive Positioning

  1. How is your company, product or service different from your competition?
  2. What specifically sets you apart from your competition?
  3. Targeted Message—State a single-minded word or phrase that will appropriately describe your company, product or service.





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